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G.I. Issues

Are you suffering from issues with your Gastrointestinal Tract? Do you have Chronic Diarrhea, IBS, Constipation, or are you struggling with Celiac? Acupuncture is a great way to treat your condition naturally without having to take numerous medications. 

Constipation can be caused by any number of issues. Chinese Medicine views constipation primarily as Liver Qi Stagnation. Lack of movement and exercise has a profound impact on our bowels as does being emotionally “stuck” or stressed. Acupuncture can help move the Qi and consequently help relieve the discomfort of “holding” on to that which no longer serves us. Additionally, other factors may be at play which are contributing to this “stuckness”. Dehydration, lack of fiber, and even medication all can contribute to your constipation. We will discuss all this in your initial consultation.

Diarrhea and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) also can be caused by a number of issues. Chinese medicine has many different diagnosis for diarrhea. Food Retention, Dampness, Cold in the Intestines, etc…, these are all possible patterns depending on your specific symptoms. The functioning of our bowels is so important to our overall health. We will review your symptoms and develop a treatment plan that will help bring balance to your life and your G.I. Tract. Acupuncture together with some Chinese nutritional tips will go a long way towards this end goal.

Likewise, if you are suffering from chronic diarrhea, fatigue, gas and bloating, abdominal pain and/or anemia, you may be suffering from Celiac Disease. Acupuncture has proven effective against a wide variety of autoimmune issues. You have the ability to heal and take control of your inflammatory condition and we have the tools to help you feel better.

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